davidhealey / waistline

Libre calorie counter app for Android. Built with Cordova.
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% DV not supported #329

Open icf20 opened 3 years ago

icf20 commented 3 years ago

Plenty of labels use % recommended daily value and this data is not imported from OFF also cant be manually added

davidhealey commented 2 years ago

The idea of the app is to track the amount you eat, viewing the recommended daily intake doesn't seem to fit with this goal. What do you think?

EmilJunker commented 2 years ago

The OFF API doesn't even include info about the percentage of recommended DV, nor do I see anything related to that on the OFF website. What Waistline could do though is tell you for each food item what percentage of your daily goal each nutrient makes, i.e. "this item includes protein equal to 8% of your protein goal and sat fat equal to 23% of your sat fat goal etc." But I'm not sure how useful this would be or how/where exactly we could implement this.

icf20 commented 2 years ago

The idea of the app is to track the amount you eat, viewing the recommended daily intake doesn't seem to fit with this goal. What do you think?

cant the app calculate the value and store the correct value?

icf20 commented 2 years ago

The OFF API doesn't even include info about the percentage of recommended DV, nor do I see anything related to that on the OFF website.

when u are in edit mode is show the option


EmilJunker commented 2 years ago

cant the app calculate the value and store the correct value?

What do you mean? Which value? Can you provide an example of a Open Food Facts entry that includes information about %DV of a nutrient?

The app doesn't currently support the concept of "recommend daily values". It does, however, support "daily goals" (which is basically the same thing, just customizable by the user). So in theory, the app could calculate what percentage of the daily goal each nutrient makes up. Is this what you want/mean?

when u are in edit mode is show the option

Yes, but this is not for the standard nutrients. Those can only be entered in g, mg, or µg. The %DV option is only available for special nutrients like certain vitamins or minerals.

Steve7654 commented 2 years ago

I believe 'daily goals' does at least partly what you're after, however this needs to be manually entered. It also isn't provided at the food entry stage, but does allow viewing the statistics for the day against these goals.

I like the idea of manually inputting the daily goals, which may,if you like, be based on RDI. The problem with RDI is it can vary for sex, age etc. (Eg iron), can vary dramatically depending on the country or government in question eg iron (again), anywhere between 6-18mg for middle aged men, more different for women and older. Also, RDI on packaging is country specific. We're not all from the same country and the RDI will be incorrect for most, based on their actual region.

Cheers, Steve

icf20 commented 2 years ago

The app doesn't currently support the concept of "recommend daily values". It does, however, support "daily goals" (which is basically the same thing

is not the same thing in EU the recommended daily value is law

https://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/EN/TXT/HTML/?uri=CELEX:32008L0100&from=EN so product labels use daily value from there to follow the law, some put the both way in mg or g and %DV but other just in %DV



EmilJunker commented 2 years ago

is not the same thing

Nothing prevents you from setting your daily goals to exactly equal the recommended daily intake (RDI) of your country/region. Then it would indeed be the same thing.

in EU the recommended daily value is law

The RDI amounts for the nutrients vary by country/region. The EU has different recommendations than the USA, for example. Maintaining these different RDI lists is outside the scope of Waistline. What we could do, though, is provide a way for the user to manually enter the RDI amounts of their respective country/region.

some put the both way in mg or g and %DV but other just in %DV

First of all, it would be helpful if you could post the link to the OFF entry of a food item where this is the case (one or more nutrients being specified in %DV). Personally, I have never seen an item like this.

I understand your point about not being able to import or enter these values into Waistline. If Waistline had a (user provided) list of the RDI amounts, I guess it could convert from %DV to the respective unit (g, mg, μg) automatically.