davidhealey / waistline

Libre calorie counter app for Android. Built with Cordova.
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Optional ingredients for meals/recipes #813

Open candroid-man opened 4 months ago

candroid-man commented 4 months ago

Let's say I want to add a pizza to my meals or even as a recipe. Pizza has many toppings you can choose from, and I want to be able to accurately measure the macros for my pizza depending on the toppings I decide to have on my pizza. The only way you are able to do this right now is to either make a new meal for every combination of topping, or manually adding the toppings after you put the pizza into your Diary. What I suggest, is allowing the user to create a checklist under every meal and check or uncheck other foods/ingredients.

So for example:


The top of the checklist are the items that are already in the main meal or recipe, but if you wanted to switch out the sauce to a white sauce or something you could uncheck "sauce" and check "white sauce". I think this would make variations in your meals easier to manage.

davidhealey commented 4 months ago

The only way you are able to do this right now is to either make a new meal for every combination of topping, or manually adding the toppings after you put the pizza into your Diary.

Why not use the recipe feature and duplicate it for each variation?

EmilJunker commented 4 months ago

This sounds like a perfect use case for the food category feature. Simply create a "pizza toppings" category under Settings > Foods, Meals, Recipes > Labels and Categories and assign it to all the foods you like to put on your pizzas. When you add a pizza to the diary, you can then easily pick the toppings from the food list by setting the category filter to only show pizza toppings.