davidhund / styleguide-generators

An overview of automatic living styleguide generators
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Add Dequelabs #49

Open davidhund opened 6 years ago

davidhund commented 6 years ago


ran-dall commented 5 years ago

@davidhund 👉 I feel like Dequelab is more of an already composed pattern library, as opposed to a pattern library generator or style guide generator; which is the intended focus of the list.

davidhund commented 5 years ago

@ran-dall - I see. It seems to have turned into that ('Cauldron') indeed. We might want to remove it (or move it to an 'Inspiration' section)

ran-dall commented 5 years ago

We might want to remove it (or move it to an 'Inspiration' section)

@davidhund Perhaps it would be wiser to reference other similar indexes (i.e., Awesome Lists) that offer similar resources. Here are some that I reference, maybe I can include them during the refactor...

...and while there is some overlap between them; there really isn't any Awesome List for Pattern Library Generators or Style Guide Generators, so not much overlap with ours.