davidjbradshaw / iframe-resizer

Keep iFrames sized to their content.
6.62k stars 977 forks source link

License changed from MIT to GPL #1265

Closed Pixelshaped closed 1 month ago

Pixelshaped commented 1 month ago

Hi there!

There are some implications to the GPL license that make it a breaking change: the GPL license is transitive (any project embedding your code has to be shared under the GPL license too). This means a lot of closed source apps that were relying on your code will have to eventually drop it.

This might not be news for you, and you're absolutely entitled to the change, but maybe you were unaware of this, hence this message.


davidjbradshaw commented 1 month ago


Yeah this project is now dual licensed, if you don't want to use the GPL, then you have the option to use the new commercial license for a low cost one time fee.


Cheers, Dave.