davidjeddy / naabs2

Network Access And Billing System version 2 (Naabs2) is a web based interface for administering a FreeRADIUS authenticated network access service.
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Fatal Error viewing transactions #16

Open guitarboy8d6 opened 8 years ago

guitarboy8d6 commented 8 years ago

Several times when I clicked the eye icon to view the past transactions on the front end. I got this or similar.

Logged in as TestUser1, a user I created, however I did not produce that transaction history,

    1. in /var/www/html/frontend/views/purchase/view.php at line 52

                    'label' => 'Length of Time',
                    'value' => TimeAmountOptions::find()->where([
                        'id' => $model->getAttribute('time_amount_id')]
                    'label' => '# of Devices',
                    'value' => DeviceCountOptions::find()->where([
                        'id' => $model->getAttribute('device_count_id')]
                    'label' => 'State / Prov.',

    2. yii\base\ErrorHandler::handleFatalError()

$_GET = [
    'id' => '5',

$_SERVER = [
    'UNIQUE_ID' => 'VkvrK@u2dkkolhMm0roXzAAAAAo',
    'HTTP_HOST' => '',
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    'SERVER_NAME' => '',
    'SERVER_ADDR' => '',
    'SERVER_PORT' => '80',
    'REMOTE_ADDR' => '',
    'DOCUMENT_ROOT' => '/var/www/html/frontend/web',
    'REQUEST_SCHEME' => 'http',
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    'CONTEXT_DOCUMENT_ROOT' => '/var/www/html/frontend/web',
    'SERVER_ADMIN' => 'root@localhost',
    'SCRIPT_FILENAME' => '/var/www/html/frontend/web/index.php',
    'REMOTE_PORT' => '55329',
    'SERVER_PROTOCOL' => 'HTTP/1.1',
    'QUERY_STRING' => 'id=5',
    'REQUEST_URI' => '/index.php/purchase/view?id=5',
    'SCRIPT_NAME' => '/index.php',
    'PATH_INFO' => '/purchase/view',
    'PATH_TRANSLATED' => 'redirect:/index.php/view',
    'PHP_SELF' => '/index.php/purchase/view',
    'REQUEST_TIME_FLOAT' => 1447815979.8269999,
    'REQUEST_TIME' => 1447815979,

$_COOKIE = [
    'PHPSESSID' => '2vibaeij411r3v6219mmg4hrf3',
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davidjeddy commented 8 years ago

You stated the issue does not happen when you have logged in as a user you created, as the transactions page is only viewable once logged in what are the steps to reproduce this error?

Please provide URL and any other user data possible. TIA