davidjerleke / embla-carousel

A lightweight carousel library with fluid motion and great swipe precision.
MIT License
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[Feat]: Continuously running carousel (ticker, marquee, ..) #634

Closed davidjerleke closed 5 months ago

davidjerleke commented 7 months ago
decapination-labs commented 5 months ago

any docs on how to use it ? thx

davidjerleke commented 5 months ago

@decapination-labs docs here, and React CodeSandbox here, but:

You should read this first 😢.

decapination-labs commented 5 months ago

yes i am waiting for the updates !! something to point we dont have onMouseHover? and onTouchIn ?

davidjerleke commented 5 months ago

something to point we dont have onMouseHover? and onTouchIn ?

@decapination-labs could you elaborate? I don't understand what you mean?

decapination-labs commented 5 months ago

if i hover my mouse on the carousel item ( without clicking ) , the autoplay stops !!

the same for mobile on touch

davidjerleke commented 5 months ago

@decapination-labs have you checked the following options?

You should be able to configure it.

decapination-labs commented 5 months ago

oh sorry i think i messed up with the options delay and duration before u release the upates to have a close ux haha and looks like the stoponmouseenter works fine . plz let me know when u release because need that feature even though i have to tweak it a bit because i want continious smooth sliding and dragfree without reInit maybe or something other api calls which affecting the (continue smooth scroll) after i release the mouse

davidjerleke commented 5 months ago

@decapination-labs please take some time to read the API to better understand how it works here.

decapination-labs commented 5 months ago

i am facing an issue , i am creating 2 parallel carousel each sliding in different direction ! (nextjs + shadcnui)


this looks ok for sliding rtl but if i change that direction to ltr then the carousel starts to behave weird !! can u help plz

davidjerleke commented 5 months ago

@decapination-labs you're using the Autoplay plugin and not AutoScroll? This PR is for the AutoScroll plugin only.

decapination-labs commented 5 months ago

yes in the meantime and before u publish , i am checking the autoplay which also have the direction option .. that sandbox from the playgroun anyway , not sure why if i change the direction it starts to behave weird .

but if u cant answer that its fine i will wait the publish to use another plugin

davidjerleke commented 5 months ago

@decapination-labs have you read the docs about the direction options? It says:

Note: When using rtl, the content direction also has to be set to RTL, either by using the HTML dir attribute or the CSS direction property.

So whenever changing the direction option, you also need to change this.

decapination-labs commented 5 months ago

ohhhh i missed that note .. thank you again and i am waiting the autoscroll publish !!

decapination-labs commented 5 months ago

@decapination-labs docs here, and React CodeSandbox here, but:


You should read this first 😢.

is it published or not yet ?

davidjerleke commented 5 months ago

@decapination-labs the person who had the name on npm unpublished their package yesterday so that frees up the name. BUT, for reasons I don’t know, npm blocks any new releases for that name for 24h. It hasn’t been 24h yet.

decapination-labs commented 5 months ago

ok cool . will be waiting the update . thanks