davidjrh / dnn.azureadprovider

The DNN Azure Active Directory Provider is an Authentication provider for DNN Platform (formerly DotNetNuke) that uses Azure Active Directory OAuth2 authentication to authenticate users.
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Bad Request - Invalid URL #16

Closed dpuffenberger closed 4 years ago

dpuffenberger commented 6 years ago

I am getting a "Bad Request" HTTP Error 400 after successful login with the Azure AD with the URL in the address bar showing a long code preceded by "code/" and ending with session state details.

davidjrh commented 6 years ago

Do you have the site behind a Web Application Firewall? Also wondering the length of the URL that was created by the Azure AD. Can you copy and paste the URL on notepad and count the number of characters?

dpuffenberger commented 6 years ago

No WAP's or CDNs. I've tried installing and using on both a localhost environment and a test site environment on production server. Each with the same results. The URL (after the "code/") is 781 characters long.

davidjrh commented 4 years ago

I could finally reproduce this isse on a local site. Seems this is caused by the Friendly URL provider, chaning the "?code=AAA..Z&state=xxx" for "/code/AAA..Z?state=xxx". Since the code is long, IIS returns a Bad Request. This can be solved by disabling the "Settings > SEO > URL Management > General Settings > Redirect to Friendly URLs", or by changing the default "Ignore URL Regular Expression" under the Expressions Tab.

moorecreative commented 4 years ago

HI David, I'm getting this same response too... turning off the Redirect to Friendly URLs works instantly.

What would we update in the "Ignore URL Regular Expression" though if we wanted to keep the friendly url redirect ON but have it ignore the AD querystring (which is what I assume we're trying to do).

Looks like querystring variables of: /code /session_state

and the default Ignore URL Regular Expression regex is: (?<!linkclick.aspx.+)(?:(?<!\?.+)(.pdf$|.gif$|.png($|\?)|.css($|\?)|.js($|\?)|.jpg$|.axd($|\?)|.swf$|.flv$|.ico$|.xml($|\?)|.txt$))

and when changed, will this page load as one without firendly url like /Default.aspx?tabid=222&code=AQABAAIAA... &session_state=AQABAAIAA... and would need to be listed in the redirect url setting as this non-friendly version to match?