davidjtferguson / dancejab

super simple fighting game. dashing and jabbing only.
MIT License
2 stars 0 forks source link

polish clank #32

Closed davidjtferguson closed 4 years ago

davidjtferguson commented 4 years ago

stun, lag, bunch off eachother. Currently happens too fast. Similar to hitting an opponent.

davidjtferguson commented 4 years ago


boom! done in commit 872f73af9a31345b3e8ed9bd243ad234bfff07a5

in the code, 'stun' refers to the moment where both players are locked on the spot while their fists are colliding and recoil is the moment where the players are moving away from eachother. play with clankstunframes clankrecoilframes

animclankstun animclankrecoil

and on the glove there is animclank which plays on the clank and dissipears on completion.

Also added a clank sfx on sfx 60 for Rory to polish.

Leaving this open till Rory reviews and either approves or fiddles with numbers and sfx.

davidjtferguson commented 4 years ago


Made the lag extend to a moment where the players slide to a stop after the recoil.

rcsweeney commented 4 years ago

changed SFX, anim and slight tweak in intial hitstun timing to differentiate it from connectlag. playtest and feels nice, would like crit.