davidkerny / BUZA-ULTIMULTI

Ultimate Multi Material Unit
25 stars 4 forks source link

Would you share step file? #6

Open chloePrinter-box opened 4 months ago

chloePrinter-box commented 4 months ago

Hello, I am part of a company that creates enclosure for Prusa printers. I have a user that would like to use its UltiMulti MMU3 system with our enclosure, but I can't tell if that would work, as we don't have the outside dimensions.

Would you share the STEP file of the assembly?

That is not for a commercial profit, as we will not sell it. We may only advertise that our enclosures works with your system. You can contact me on chloe@printer-box.com


jltx1 commented 1 month ago

I would also like STEP files for non-commercial use. I would share any improvements for consideration.

The latest PD board add on from Prusa has been rotated 90° and is no longer compatible with your mount. I need to add clearance for the pcb and possibly raise a few mm to clear extruder when at the top. I have other mods I would like to try as well.

Great design overall. I was going to do this same project a few years back on mmu2 but didn’t get time. I’m glad you did.