davidkpiano / flipping

Flipping awesome animations.
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Can't import; problems with export declaration? #33

Open evenreven opened 3 years ago

evenreven commented 3 years ago

I'm trying to replace isotope on my site for a grid of employees, and since replacing category filtering and instant search is pretty easy (I'm using vanilla js without libraries, only StimulusJS for structure), I just need something for the animation that happens when repositioning on filtering. In researching this, I found your css-tricks article and then a codepen demo that uses this library for filtering with categories. I forked that demo, and got to an implementation I can use in my application.

So far, so good. Now to get it into my app. But when doing proper importing, I can't get it to work. The pens were using the internal codepen "Add External Scripts" method with both the regular dist file and the web adapter with unpkg, which isn't an alternative for me in my app.

Here's what I've tried:

I've also tried various tricks for using import when the library doesn't really support it, like this method: https://github.com/snowpackjs/snowpack/discussions/2338. Didn't work.

Importing the web adapter almost works, but only one element is animated when repositioning. This is not like the codepen, where all elements slide nicely into their new positions. I assume something from the main lib is missing since only the adapter is imported? EDIT: It works, I had a syntax error in my HTML

Any ideas to fix this? I'm very happy with this library the way it works in the codepen demo, so I'd love to use this instead of rolling my own. Thanks! :)

PS: I'm using snowpack now, if it matters, but I couldn't get it to work with webpack either.