davidkpiano / react-redux-form

Create forms easily in React with Redux.
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Things in devDependencies that don't belong? #147

Closed ffxsam closed 8 years ago

ffxsam commented 8 years ago

I was just sitting here cursing to myself as I launched an app into production, and react-redux-form totally failed to work. Typing in fields had no effect at all. Then I realized there's quite a long list of stuff in the devDependencies section of package.json, things like react, redux, etc. Do those really belong there? It seems to me that the following packages belong in dependencies instead: (or perhaps peerDependencies? I don't know what the difference is)

    "estraverse-fb": "^1.3.1", // not sure about this one..
    "immutable": "^3.7.6",
    "react": "^0.14.7",
    "react-addons-test-utils": "^0.14.7",
    "react-dom": "^0.14.7",
    "react-redux": "^4.4.0",
    "redux": "^3.3.1",
    "redux-thunk": "^2.0.1",
davidkpiano commented 8 years ago

Interesting. For sure, I know react, react-redux, and redux do belong in dependencies, and they are already there. I'll have to take a look at react-dom now - that could be the failure point - that's required for it to work as well.

What exactly was the failure?

ffxsam commented 8 years ago

I believe they belong in peerDependencies actually. That's how material-ui does it, at least.

The failure was that it simply wasn't working. Focusing in a field, typing in it.. none of those triggers Redux at all.

davidkpiano commented 8 years ago

Alright, I'll release a patch with redux-thunk and react-dom as peerDependencies right now. Can you let me know if that works in a couple minutes?

ffxsam commented 8 years ago


davidkpiano commented 8 years ago

Okay, published as react-redux-form@0.10.5. Try it out!

ffxsam commented 8 years ago

Trying it out now.. (PS, you'll want to remove the stuff in devDependencies that you copied over to peerDependencies.

davidkpiano commented 8 years ago

devDependencies won't get installed in production builds, so I think we're safe keeping them in there, especially when others are forking the repo. Otherwise, you'd have to manually install them.

ffxsam commented 8 years ago

The packages in devDependencies are covered by being in peerDependencies though. devDependencies is typically reserved for things like linting, testing, and dev/performance tools only.

ffxsam commented 8 years ago

Actually on second thought.. material-ui has react in devDependencies as well. I'm not sure why. But I'd just model yours after how they structured theirs :)


davidkpiano commented 8 years ago

It's because peerDependencies don't get installed automatically anymore - instead, NPM will just yell at you that they're missing. 😟

ffxsam commented 8 years ago

Ahhh ok. I'll admit, I don't totally understand npm's package system.

ffxsam commented 8 years ago

Man, I don't get it. It's still not working in production. Here are two screencaps.. first one is in production, the second is on my local dev machine.



ffxsam commented 8 years ago

But rrf is partially working in production. It can load data. Calls to it don't generate errors, but obviously fields aren't working.

davidkpiano commented 8 years ago

I have a feeling this has to do with material-ui itself, and not RRF. See this issue: https://github.com/davidkpiano/react-redux-form/issues/144

I'm going to investigate material-ui though. It makes things a lot more complicated, to say the least.

ffxsam commented 8 years ago

Oh shoot! Nice find. I've got my own field wrapper I'm using too, BTW:

export const MUITextField = createFieldClass({
  TextField: props => ({
    onChange: props.onChange,
    value: props.modelValue,
davidkpiano commented 8 years ago

Can you humor me and try doing it manually? Just to see if this works:

import { actions } from 'react-redux-form';

// ... in render
<Text Field onChange={(e) => dispatch(actions.onChange(e))} />
ffxsam commented 8 years ago

Sure.. but tomorrow morning :)

i4got10 commented 8 years ago

Possible related to https://github.com/davidkpiano/react-redux-form/issues/65

davidkpiano commented 8 years ago

Good call, @i4got10! @ffxsam, try adding a displayName to the component:

import TextField from 'material-ui/...';

TextField.displayName = 'TextField'

I'll open a PR for this in material-ui if that solves the issue. They should ideally have a displayName property set.

Rhywden commented 8 years ago

I can submit success!

This indeed solves my issue with the empty model.

davidkpiano commented 8 years ago

Seems like that was the culprit, @ffxsam ! This will be addressed in v1.0 with the <Control> component (details here: https://github.com/davidkpiano/react-redux-form/issues/144#issuecomment-211973693 ), but for now, this workaround is quick and easy:

TextField.displayName = 'TextField';
ffxsam commented 8 years ago

Yikes - don't use displayName. It's an extra step that devs don't really want to have to add into their code. If xyz is a React element, use xyz.constructor.name.

davidkpiano commented 8 years ago

Yikes - don't use displayName. It's an extra step that devs don't really want to have to add into their code. If xyz is a React element, use xyz.constructor.name.

@ffxsam I know. This will be resolved in the upcoming v1.0. This is simply a workaround.

ffxsam commented 8 years ago

Oops sorry.. I missed the word "workaround" in your comment above 😏

ffxsam commented 8 years ago

Though I can't seem to figure out how to get the name of a stateless component.

ffxsam commented 8 years ago

I still don't understand what's causing this to break in production. displayName, which RRF relies on, doesn't even exist for me in dev.

davidkpiano commented 8 years ago

@ffxsam Without seeing your code it's a bit hard to tell... But can you try this?

<TextField onChange={(e) => dispatch(actions.change('foo.bar', e))} />

and see if that works in production?

ffxsam commented 8 years ago

Testing now..

ffxsam commented 8 years ago

Yes, I see foo.bar being changed in the Redux devtools.

ffxsam commented 8 years ago

An example of my form code:

            <MUITextField model="insightModel.title">
                errorText={getError(fields, 'title')}
export const MUITextField = createFieldClass({
  TextField: props => ({
    onChange: props.onChange,
    value: props.modelValue,
davidkpiano commented 8 years ago

Okay, then I'm pretty sure that the issue is with the .displayName (or .constructor.name) not being visible in material-ui. It's unfortunate, but hey.

Manually adding the actions is a decent workaround, and all this will be solved with <Control>. It's good to know though that <Control> is basically just mapping the actions the same way that you would do it. It just provides a nicer API for doing so.

ffxsam commented 8 years ago

I still don't get why it breaks in production. If I inspect TextField in the Chrome console, $r.displayName and $r.constructor.displayName don't exist. And in your code, you're checking for names via:

    let controlDisplayName = control.constructor.displayName
      || control.type.displayName
      || control.type.name
      || control.type;

TextField has none of these properties, yet in dev it works fine. Am I missing something?

the issue is with the .displayName (or .constructor.name) not being visible in material-ui. It's unfortunate, but hey.

No, .constructor.name actually does work for MUI components:

(Chrome dev console)

» $r.constructor.name
« "TextField"
davidkpiano commented 8 years ago

Okay, I'm going to add the check for control.constructor.name and test this out locally to see if that fixes the problem.

ffxsam commented 8 years ago

@davidkpiano What did you find?

davidkpiano commented 8 years ago

Hosting a React hack a thon right now, nothing yet :)