davidkreidler / OpenCO2_Sensor

Arduino Repository for an E-Ink CO2 Sensor using ESP32 and SCD4X
MIT License
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Wifi not available on battery ? #22

Open YannDanthu opened 1 month ago

YannDanthu commented 1 month ago


first of all thank you for making the OpenCO2 sensor.

Quick question related to the wifi, as it is only available while on power and not on battery. Is this because of energy consumption ?

Also, while on power the temperature is messed up and not accurate anymore, probably by the heat generated by the charging battery.

Do you plan to allow wifi on battery in the future ?

davidkreidler commented 1 month ago

Hey @YannDanthu thanks for reaching out.

The current Wi-Fi implementation is only active if power is connected. You are correct this is for energy saving reasons. There are no hardware limitations that limit the activation on Battery, but a good energy saving implementation like ESP-NOW would be recommended.

There is one esphome implementation by Yourigh available with some limitations (no LED / Menu / limited Fonts) https://github.com/Yourigh/OpenCO2_Sensor_esphome/tree/main

Other then that my main focus until now was not on enabling WiFi on Battery. This is because the use case was to use the OpenCO2 Sensor on Battery while being on the go and plugging it back in when coming Home, automatically enabling WiFi.

While charging elevated temperatures are expected because of the used TP4065 which lowers the 5V USB Voltage to the current Battery voltage via dissipating heat. Charging from empty to full should be completed after less then 1:50 h.

Hope this helps, David

YannDanthu commented 1 month ago

thanks for the answer.

One last question, I didn't dig into it yet but would it be easy to publish the metrics to an endpoint from the CO2Sensor (instead of pulling from another device)