davidlday / RemindersWidget

An Übersicht widget to display your pending Reminders tasks on the desktop.
MIT License
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Catalina compatible? #10

Closed curdaneta closed 5 years ago

curdaneta commented 5 years ago


Any chance to point how to use it with mac OS Catalina? Thanks

davidlday commented 5 years ago

Hi! I haven't upgraded to Catalina yet but plan to do so in the next day or so. I'll dig into soon, but at this point, no, I don't know what changes are needed yet.

curdaneta commented 5 years ago

Great @davidlday take your time

coolajami commented 5 years ago

Same problem here, it seems that Reminders stopped supporting CALDAV in Catalina :/

davidlday commented 5 years ago

Starting to make some notes.

  1. Seems Catalina, and the new Reminders, has moved everything out of the old database (~/Library/Calendars/Calendar Cache) to a set of 3 (at least for me) new databases under ~/Library/Reminders/Container_v1/Stores/. Will take some work to reverse engineer them.
curdaneta commented 5 years ago

Good to know that you're already working with Catalina @davidlday

monkeemunk commented 5 years ago

I started messing around with the code on my own in an attempt to get it working but got stuck and didn’t have time to keep playing with it — I’m happy to provide the modified .coffee if you’d like

davidlday commented 5 years ago

I started messing around with the code on my own in an attempt to get it working but got stuck and didn’t have time to keep playing with it — I’m happy to provide the modified .coffee if you’d like

@monkeemunk - that would be a big help, thank you!

davidlday commented 5 years ago

Friends, I think I have it fixed. If any of you would be willing to test, I'd certainly appreciate it. Backup and replace pending.sh in the reminders.widget widget folder with the one from the catalina branch. I've also updated reminders.widget.zip if you want to download the whole package, but I've only changed the one file. Let me know results. Thanks for your patience!

Update: Corrected link to reminders.widget.zip

coolajami commented 5 years ago

very good job! I just tried it in Catalina and it does work. I notice a glitch, it does not recognise the "listsToNotShow" parameter, and if you add a list there, the widget disappears again.

curdaneta commented 5 years ago

Great job @davidlday works like a charm!

davidlday commented 5 years ago

very good job! I just tried it in Catalina and it does work. I notice a glitch, it does not recognise the "listsToNotShow" parameter, and if you add a list there, the widget disappears again.

@coolajami - So I noticed while testing that if I updated the file(s) while Ubersicht was running, I'd get the behavior you described. The widget would disappear. If you haven't already, make sure you close Ubersicht, update the files again, then restart the application. Let me know the results, pls.

coolajami commented 5 years ago

Hi @davidlday I tried what you suggest and had the same problem again. However I found a solution: tha name of each list in the listsToNotShow should go within apostrophes as below:


that solved it for me.