davidliwei / mageck

Experimental source code for MAGeCK (Model-based Analysis of Genome-wide CRISPR-Cas9 Knockout)
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Usage of mageck with multiple replicates and missing values #7

Open ndrubins opened 2 years ago

ndrubins commented 2 years ago


This is a usage question.

In my genome-wide CRISPR screen each gene in a certain cell-line was targeted by 4 sgRNA guides, and the resulting cells were injected to a WT, a WT+vehicle, and a WT+vehicle+drug set of animals. The guides were generated in 4 pools and each pool was then sequenced from the animal in a separate library, meaning that the sgRNA counts in a given sample differ among the 4 pools because of the different library depths. Another complication is that the 4 pools are not 100% identical WRT to the genes they target and not every gene is covered by all 4 pools, hence I have missing values (NAs, which if I try running MAGECK with it produces the Parsing error message and these lines are skipped).

Any advice how to use MAGECK for these data?