davidmarble / virtualenvwrapper-win

Port of Doug Hellmann's virtualenvwrapper to Windows batch scripts
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Implement mkproject command/script #45

Open khorn opened 10 years ago

khorn commented 10 years ago

virtualenvwrapper implements a mkproject command which creates a project dir, creates an environment variable, and connects them with it's equivalent of setproject.

This is a nice shortcut, and virtualenvwrapper-win should have it.

utek commented 9 years ago

Does it also creates virtualenv? It would be nice if you could write what current command mkproject is equivalent for. Thx.

amullins83 commented 8 years ago

@utek Yes, the virtualenvwrapper command creates a project directory and a virtualenv with the same name, and sets the new project folder as the active project for that new virtualenv. It's made fairly clear in the virtualenvwrapper tutorial here: http://virtualenvwrapper.readthedocs.io/en/latest/command_ref.html#project-directory-management