davidmerfield / Typeset

An HTML pre-proces­sor for web ty­pog­ra­phy
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double quotes followed by punctuation bug fixed #16

Closed gabrielperales closed 9 years ago

gabrielperales commented 9 years ago

Fixed regexp for double quotes. Issue #10.

gabrielperales commented 9 years ago

I have added an editorconfig file. This file lets you have the same indentation configuration through several editors (I had seen files with different indentations), and I have also removed some names on functions which they had inconsistent names and they didn't need to be named functions.

gabrielperales commented 9 years ago

I have added some tests. You can run these tests with the command npm test or with npm run watch for run tests with the watch flag to watch changes in your tests while you are writing them.

davidmerfield commented 9 years ago

Fantastic stuff Gabriel. Thank you very much for your hard work.

gabrielperales commented 9 years ago

Hahaha, this is one of the first open source project that I'm working on. I hope everything I'm doing be good. I'm making test of everything to be sure I'm not broken nothing. This first version with browser support is not well designed (and depends on jquery), I think the best way of implement it could be as a jquery plugin. I hope have time to keep working on it.

davidmerfield commented 9 years ago

Yeah the jQuery dependency will be removed – it should be quite possible to iterate over text nodes without it! However, this is a solid first step since jQuery matches cheerio's API.