Trying to run Typeset from the browser, with jQuery, I got this string:
<p>Yjarni Sigurðardóttir spoke to NATO from Iceland yesterday: "Light of my life, fire of my florins -- my sin, my soul. The tip of the tongue taking a trip to 118° 19' 43.5"."</p>
<p>"She's faster than a 120' 4" whale." <em>Piña co­ladas</em> were widely consumed in Götterdämmerung from 1880–1912. For the low price of $20 / year from Ex­hi­bits A–E... Then the <em>duplex</em> came forward. "Thrice the tower, he mounted the round gunrest, 'awaking' HTML. He can print a fixed num­ber of dots in a square inch (for in­stance, 600 × 600)."
turned into this:
<p><span class="pull-Y">Y</span>jarni Sigurðardót­tir spoke to <span<span class="push-c"></span> <span class="pull-c">c</span>lass="small-caps">NATO</span> from Ice­land yes­ter­day:<span class="push-double"></span> <span class="pull-double">“</span>Light<span class="push-o"></span> <span class="pull-o">o</span>f my life, fire<span class="push-o"></span> <span class="pull-o">o</span>f my florins&thinsp;&mdash;&thinsp;my sin, my soul.<span class="push-T"></span> <span class="pull-T">T</span>he tip<span class="push-o"></span> <span class="pull-o">o</span>f the tongue tak­ing a trip to 118° 19′ 43.5″.”</p>
<p><span class="pull-double">“</span>She’s faster than a 120′ 4″<span class="push-w"></span> <span class="pull-w">w</span>hale.” <em>Piña<span class="push-c"></span> <span class="pull-c">c</span>o­ladas</em> <span class="pull-w">w</span>ere<span class="push-w"></span> <span class="pull-w">w</span>idely<span class="push-c"></span> <span class="pull-c">c</span>on­sumed in Göt­ter­däm­merung from 1880–1912. For the low price<span class="push-o"></span> <span class="pull-o">o</span>f $20 / year from Ex­hi­bits<span class="push-A"></span> <span class="pull-A">A</span>–E…<span class="push-T"></span> <span class="pull-T">T</span>hen the <em>du­plex</em> <span class="pull-c">c</span>ame for­ward.<span class="push-double"></span> <span class="pull-double">“</span>Thrice the tower, he mounted the round gun­rest,<span class="push-single"></span> <span class="pull-single">‘</span>awak­ing’ <span<span class="push-c"></span> <span class="pull-c">c</span>lass="small-caps">HTML</span>. He<span class="push-c"></span> <span class="pull-c">c</span>an print a fixed num­ber<span class="push-o"></span> <span class="pull-o">o</span>f dots in a square inch (for in­stance, 600 × 600).”
I investigated the sequential calling of modules that continuously transform the initial text, and notice that the HTML tags were not escaped by "quotes", "hyphenate" or "ligatures", but only after "smallCaps".
Trying to run Typeset from the browser, with jQuery, I got this string:
turned into this:
I investigated the sequential calling of modules that continuously transform the initial text, and notice that the HTML tags were not escaped by "quotes", "hyphenate" or "ligatures", but only after "smallCaps".
I couldn't understand why.