davidmh / cspell.nvim

A companion plugin for null-ls/none-ls, adding support for CSpell diagnostics and code actions.
82 stars 13 forks source link

Migration to none-ls #29

Closed eshepelyuk closed 10 months ago

eshepelyuk commented 10 months ago


Since null-ls was archived and there is a backward compatible successor - none-ls https://github.com/nvimtools/none-ls.nvim

Would it make sense to migrate this plugin to none-ls ? With migration I mean fixing all links and references to point tonone-ls repository.

The plugin itself is working in top of none-ls - I am currently using it.

davidmh commented 10 months ago

Oh that's cool!

Would you mind sending me a PR with it?

eshepelyuk commented 10 months ago

Oh that's cool!

Would you mind sending me a PR with it?

will try and see how it goes

eshepelyuk commented 10 months ago

Oh that's cool!

Would you mind sending me a PR with it?

Created #31

eshepelyuk commented 10 months ago

Hello @davidmh

Maybe it also makes sense to modify "About" section, i.e. one on the right side.
