davidmoten / openapi-to-plantuml

Converts OpenAPI 3.0 definitions to Plant UML text for visualisation of your API.
Apache License 2.0
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Error on Run #237

Open rocketpowerllc opened 2 months ago

rocketpowerllc commented 2 months ago


Dot Executable: /opt/local/bin/dot Dot executable does not exist Cannot find Graphviz. You should try @startuml testdot @enduml

When I run this cmd: java -jar openapi-to-plantuml-0.1.30-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar single my-verified-swagger.yml SVG my-verified-swagger.svg

Did a git clone and then mvn clean install

I didn't see anythign in the readm.md about installing any Graphviz executable. Any ideas?

davidmoten commented 2 months ago

I think Dot is an optional dependency, though the plantuml output reminds you about its absence. Might be required though for Class Diagrams though according to plantuml docs. Those docs describe the install of Graphviz (dot), super easy on linux at least.