davidmoten / plantuml-maven-plugin

Maven plugin for generating diagram images from PlantUML files
Apache License 2.0
7 stars 1 forks source link

Support plantuml.include.path configuration #72

Open Kieninger opened 2 weeks ago

Kieninger commented 2 weeks ago


I would like to use plantuml.include.path in order to specify some base directories for my plantuml libraries.

Given in every puml file I need to consider the directory structure like !include ../../mylib/mylib.iuml When plantuml.include.path="./mylib/" is applied Then in every puml file I can simple do this !include mylib.iuml

Is this option somehow available via maven to set the java-property? If not can this be added to the configuration?

Thanks :)

Kieninger commented 2 weeks ago

Found one option: Simple add it to the mvn command:

mvn -Dplantuml.include.path="./mylib" com.github.davidmoten:plantuml-maven-plugin:generate

davidmoten commented 2 weeks ago

Ok, nice to have a record of that here in the issues. Anything else you'd like?