davidoesch / geoservice_harvester_poc

Open Geoservice scraper proof of concept to extract info of each dataset contained in an OGC compliant Geoservice
GNU General Public License v3.0
5 stars 2 forks source link

Integration with web-mapviewer #7

Open davidoesch opened 2 years ago

davidoesch commented 2 years ago

write json to achieve an external topic https://github.com/geoadmin/mf-geoadmin3/issues/4668 including search

davidoesch commented 2 years ago

what we need is the max zoom level for each re layer so we can create a permalink to a bbox which actually shows the data. there is a max scalehint in OGC but: OWSlib issue https://github.com/geopython/OWSLib/issues/488

davidoesch commented 1 year ago

is as well adressed in https://github.com/FHNW-IVGI/Geoharvester/issues/5