With the current setup it is not possible to leave out ssh parameters and fall back to what is configured within .ssh/config. It would be better not to enforce that (e.g. setting -p 22 when remote_port is unset) but falling back to what is configured in .ssh/config (so simply omit the parameters from the rsync call that are unset). That way the {my}.sublime-project could be shared between users and put under revision control. E.g.
.ssh/config (user foo):
Host remotedev.example.com
HostName foo-dev.example.com
User foo
Port 12345
IdentityFile ~/.ssh/dev-foo.example.id
.ssh/config (user bar):
Host remotedev.example.com
HostName bar-dev.example.com
User bar
Port 54321
IdentityFile ~/.ssh/dev-bar.example.id
With the current setup it is not possible to leave out ssh parameters and fall back to what is configured within .ssh/config. It would be better not to enforce that (e.g. setting
-p 22
is unset) but falling back to what is configured in .ssh/config (so simply omit the parameters from the rsync call that are unset). That way the{my}.sublime-project
could be shared between users and put under revision control. E.g..ssh/config
(user foo):.ssh/config
(user bar):{my}.sublime-project