davidpanderson / science_united

Source code for Science United, an interface to BOINC.
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
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Missing instructions on how to setup on a Linux server #41

Open SharkMachine opened 2 years ago

SharkMachine commented 2 years ago

Please add instructions to your website on how to setup BOINC on a Linux or UNIX server. The setup is actually quite simple, but it's annoying that I had to Google for instructions and finding the correct instructions wasn't just a walk in the park. I almost gave up on it as I was completely lost on how to set it up.

https://scienceunited.org/su_help.php should have that or a link to instructions, but it does not.

SharkMachine commented 2 years ago

https://scienceunited.org/su_help.php lacks in helping with this.

https://boinc.berkeley.edu/wiki/Installing_BOINC should be linked there to give instructions on how to install BOINC and you should have instructions on how to log in and attach a project.

Logging in is simple

boinccmd --acct_mgr attach https://scienceunited.org <email> <password>
# For example
boinccmd --acct_mgr attach https://scienceunited.org "my@email.com" "SuperSecretPassword"

And attaching a project is also simple

boinccmd --project_attach <project> <username>
# For example
boinccmd --project_attach "QuChemPedIA@home" "MyUserName"

I think it would make a big difference if these instructions were easily available.

ahippo commented 1 year ago

boinccmd --acct_mgr attach https://scienceunited.org "my@email.com" "SuperSecretPassword"

@SharkMachine, you saved my day! Given that boinccmd help says --acct_mgr attach URL name passwd, I was passing my username there instead of my email address and was surely getting no account found error, which puzzled me a lot.

I totally second that these short instructions should be readily available from https://scienceunited.org/su_help.php page.

JEMcats commented 9 months ago

I would suggest using BOINC through docker, instructions: https://hub.docker.com/r/linuxserver/boinc. When this is setup you can go to localhost:8080 or ip.address:8080 and use the BOINC manager to add science united as the project manager, hope this helps.

ahippo commented 9 months ago

I would suggest using BOINC through docker, instructions: https://hub.docker.com/r/linuxserver/boinc. When this is setup you can go to localhost:8080 or ip.address:8080 and use the BOINC manager to add science united as the project manager, hope this helps.

That's probably a good alternative, but the official instructions for running BOINC using Docker recommend a different image: https://hub.docker.com/r/boinc/client/

SharkMachine commented 9 months ago

Docker is a good suggestion but it isn't always an option. I'm asking for instructions to be updated and it doesn't exclude Docker.

SharkMachine commented 9 months ago


These instructions are not good :(. There's nothing about running on Linux or Mac and nothing about Docker.

davidpanderson commented 9 months ago

Click on 'Download and install BOINC' to get instructions (including Linux and Mac).

SharkMachine commented 9 months ago

Click on 'Download and install BOINC' to get instructions (including Linux and Mac).

It is a link to login and after login I get this


SharkMachine commented 9 months ago

There's also no clear link in the menu for getting information about participating :(