davidpdrsn / CardistryIO

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Add Turbolinks #236

Closed davidpdrsn closed 8 years ago

davidpdrsn commented 8 years ago

I have looked through all the javascript and made some changes. Issue is that Turbolinks only evaluates the js on the initial page load, but when following links. Thus binding to DOMContentLoaded or window.onload wont work. You have either use event delegation (which they recommend) or bind to turbolinks:load like so

document.addEventListener "turbolinks:load", ->
  # ...

There still still something wrong with timeline.js.coffee. Doesn't work 😞

How to test:

@bendobos wanna look into the issues with the timeline? Would be cool if we could get it working again 😊


davidpdrsn commented 8 years ago

By the way I can highly recommend Turbolinks' documentation.