davidpengucf / SFDAHPE

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The dataset link provided in your code is no longer available, can you update the dataset link? #4

Open pvbvcv opened 1 year ago

pvbvcv commented 1 year ago

The dataset link provided in your code is no longer available, can you update the dataset link?

davidpengiupui commented 10 months ago

Hi! if you need surreal dataset, please check issue #5

gerrydev-liu commented 5 days ago

Hello, authors download_data(root, "H3D_crop", "H3D_crop.tar", "https://cloud.tsinghua.edu.cn/f/d4e612e44dc04d8eb01f/?dl=1") download_data(root, "images", "lsp_dataset.zip", "https://cloud.tsinghua.edu.cn/f/46ea73c89abc46bfb125/?dl=1") The download links for H3D_crop and LSP datasets are invalid. Can you provide download links for these datasets? Thank you!

pvbvcv commented 4 days ago

Hello, authors download_data(root, "H3D_crop", "H3D_crop.tar", "https://cloud.tsinghua.edu.cn/f/d4e612e44dc04d8eb01f/?dl=1") download_data(root, "images", "lsp_dataset.zip", "https://cloud.tsinghua.edu.cn/f/46ea73c89abc46bfb125/?dl=1") The download links for H3D_crop and LSP datasets are invalid. Can you provide download links for these datasets? Thank you!

Do you have FreiHand and Human3.6M datasets?

gerrydev-liu commented 4 days ago

Hello, authors download_data(root, "H3D_crop", "H3D_crop.tar", "https://cloud.tsinghua.edu.cn/f/d4e612e44dc04d8eb01f/?dl=1") download_data(root, "images", "lsp_dataset.zip", "https://cloud.tsinghua.edu.cn/f/46ea73c89abc46bfb125/?dl=1") The download links for H3D_crop and LSP datasets are invalid. Can you provide download links for these datasets? Thank you!

Do you have FreiHand and Human3.6M datasets?

Yes, I have the FreiHand dataset, but I don't have the Human3.6M dataset in image format. Do you have H3D_crop and LSP datasets?

pvbvcv commented 3 days ago


gerrydev-liu commented 3 days ago


我只有human36m的图像数据,jpg的,之前做视频预测用的,所以没有关键点注释文件,你需要的话可以传给你。 另外H3D_crop和LSP可以传我一份吗? 非常感谢