davidpesce / moodle-mod_tincanlaunch

A Moodle plugin that allows the launching of xAPI content using the Rustici Launch Method.
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Plugin settings have no help #19

Closed garemoko closed 9 years ago

garemoko commented 10 years ago

There's no help text for the global plugin settings.

davidpesce commented 9 years ago

If I make a change to lang/en/tincanlaunch.php (adding a new help string), does this require a upgrade?

If I change an existing help string and purge all caches, the change appears. Adding a new string doesn't seem to populate.

garemoko commented 9 years ago

It might well do, strings are stored in the database. Might be a question for the Moodle forums if its not easy to work out, but hopefully you can just increment the version number.

davidpesce commented 9 years ago

I'm a dolt, just forgot to add it to settings.php properly. It doesn't require an update. I'll have this over shortly.

davidpesce commented 9 years ago

OK, here's what I've got. Imgur


garemoko commented 9 years ago

Looks good. You can probably delete "(min)" from Duration now that you have the description.

How about something like "Use Insecure basic authentication unless another settings is explicitly supported by your LRS"? I don't think we should name specific LRSs.

davidpesce commented 9 years ago

Got it! Do you want me to move the Auth options to the language file? Or leave them where they are?

garemoko commented 9 years ago

Yes, any English strings that display to the user should go in the language file please!

garemoko commented 9 years ago

Confirmed fixed by #44