davidrenne / cruddy_mysql

This is a CRUD class that will allow you to point to multiple mysql instances and allow you to configure each field as a unique widget type when Creating or Updating records. Create administration consoles for miscellaneous tables and grant permission to view table groups or use it to run websites without writing SQL code. Custom pre and post processors for each table update/insert allow you to program whatever is needed with your particular needs. Foreign key lookups make table management easy. phpMyAdmin, watch out for cruddyMysql.
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Templating Ideas #8

Open davidrenne opened 15 years ago

davidrenne commented 15 years ago

what i really want to do is next make it into a tag based templating system where you can create new configs and different ways to draw the data or forms in different ways. so maybe on one page you want the records to be inverted with no links to delete or update. but another you want show larger fonts with only two columns and not the entire table columns.

then the user in their template where they want the entire data set or form drawn they will simply say







->deletelink -- the problem with allowing for a delete link outside of the main recordset table is that it wouldnt know how to talk to the individual record it needs to delete or update

or possibly some methods of drawing out the proper links needed to pass to the controller to tell it what the user wants to do such as the new link and that there is a generic handler that should be included on all pages that doesnt need to be in each template but will show the form inside the main content div.

i dont currently allow multiple "configs/derivatives" which will probably be the first step.

davidrenne commented 15 years ago

probably need an ->messaging template type where all the success and error messages need to go into your document