davidrg / zxweather

Weather Station software built to run weather.zx.net.nz. Includes support for Davis Vantage Vue/Pro2 and FineOffset WH1080 hardware.
GNU General Public License v2.0
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Desktop: Crash probably in TcpLiveDataSource #121

Open davidrg opened 2 years ago

davidrg commented 2 years ago

The last few lines of log output before the app terminated were:

"# Streaming live and samples and images data for station 'sb'. Send ^C to stop."
Live buffer: 12
Appending live file
SND: "show station \"sb\"/json\r\n"
Processing station info...
Hardware type code: "DAVIS"
Station Name: "Sandy Bay, Port Charles"
Solar available: true
SND: "subscribe \"sb\"/live/samples/any_order/images\r\n"
"# Streaming live and samplure in QList<T>::at: "index out of range", file C:\Qt\5.13.0\mingw73_32\include/QtCore/qlist.h, les and images data for station 'sb'. Send ^C to stop."
ASSERT failine 560
18:55:00: The program has unexpectedly finished.
18:55:00: The process was ended forcefully.
18:55:00: C:\dev\zxweather\build-desktop-Desktop_Qt_5_13_0_MinGW_32_bit-Debug\debug\zxweather.exe crashed.

May need to catch this one in the debugger to find the exact cause.