davidrjonas / composer-lock-diff

See what has changed after a composer update
MIT License
274 stars 18 forks source link

Create and distribute a PHAR #35

Closed deviantintegral closed 2 years ago

deviantintegral commented 2 years ago

Since this project is primarily a CLI tool, could this be distributed as a phar? That would simplify using it and avoid dependency conflicts in the composer global directory. Personally, I've used https://github.com/MacFJA/PharBuilder (see https://github.com/deviantintegral/har/blob/master/composer.json#L42-L52), but there's many similar tools available.

davidrjonas commented 2 years ago

Thanks for the suggestion! composer-lock-diff doesn't actually have any dependencies. It was written so that you can directly download a single file and be ready to go, much like how a phar would work. I think the only difference is that a phar can be directly executed as opposed to php composer-lock-diff. Using composer to install is just a convenience and is not necessary at all.