davidrmiller / biosim4

Biological evolution simulator
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fix bug in github action #28

Closed mathematicalmichael closed 2 years ago

mathematicalmichael commented 2 years ago

now that it's actually working, i can test it and fix it =)

this checks that any changes made to the code base do not ruin the compilation of the program by ensuring that make still completes.

the problem was that github action runs in an environment where the -ti flag makes no sense, it was sloppy on my part to forget omitting them (just a copy/paste thing). It's the difference between what you want to run on your machine to make it useful to work with VS what you want in CI to perform checks.

mathematicalmichael commented 2 years ago

does seem like github actions may be disabled for PRs on this repo, I expected it to kick off as a check with this PR

mathematicalmichael commented 2 years ago

or it could be that I need to change the conditions in the file...

davidrmiller commented 2 years ago

In Settings->Actions, the option "Allow all actions" is enabled. Are there other relevant settings?

mathematicalmichael commented 2 years ago

@davidrmiller that's the one, I figured out it was the config. Now as to why it's still failing... let's see.

mathematicalmichael commented 2 years ago

oh interesting. it is now failing because the image has a user whose permissions do not match those of the environment in which github actions is running, and thus the obj directory cannot be written to. I'll get a fix in shortly.

mathematicalmichael commented 2 years ago

@davidrmiller setting explicit group/user identification in the github action step did the trick. it's always a little tricky to deal with users/groups when mounting folders. I'm user / group 1000 on nearly everything and since the darwin user I create in the docker image is also the first user, they had the same ids. github actions being more sophisticated means these assumptions come to light.

mathematicalmichael commented 2 years ago

now you can actually have compilation verification on pull requests! how fun =D (sorry I didn't check this all earlier)

davidrmiller commented 2 years ago

This is awesome, Thanks @mathematicalmichael !