Closed wowo200 closed 8 years ago
Yes, I think this is a known problem which has been discussed for example here. To my knowledge it has not been really solved though. Have you tried this approach? Does it produce better results?
Another approach would be to not do any transformation at all but instead just use a bounding box and let the CNN handle any rotations etc within that box. Rotations can then be seen as a kind of data augumentation instead. I have tried this approach but using MTCNN for face alignment, and when training a Inception-Resnet-v1 network on this data I can get a model with accuracy ~0.975 on LFW. Not sure how much of the performance improvement that can be attributed to not having the shearing effect though.
I am not very sure that it can produce better results. But I use the code :
assert imgDim is not None
assert rgbImg is not None
assert landmarkIndices is not None
if bb is None:
bb = self.getLargestFaceBoundingBox(rgbImg, skipMulti)
if bb is None:
if landmarks is None:
landmarks = self.findLandmarks(rgbImg, bb)
npLandmarks = np.float32(landmarks)
tplLandmarks = imgDim * MINMAX_TEMPLATE*scale + imgDim*(1-scale)/2
tplLandmarks = np.transpose(tplLandmarks)
npLandmarks = np.vstack( (np.transpose(npLandmarks), np.ones(tplLandmarks.shape[1])) )
#npLandmarkIndices = np.array(landmarkIndices)
#pylint: disable=maybe-no-member
#H = cv2.getAffineTransform(npLandmarks[npLandmarkIndices],
# imgDim * MINMAX_TEMPLATE[npLandmarkIndices]*scale + imgDim*(1-scale)/2)
H = np.matmul(np.matmul(tplLandmarks, np.transpose(npLandmarks)),
thumbnail = cv2.warpAffine(rgbImg, H, (imgDim, imgDim))
return thumbnail
![Uploading 006.png…]() ![Uploading 012.png…]() this method can get a global transformation matrix and I did not get a better result yet.
@davidsandberg Can you open the code of Inception-Resnet-v1 and the model with accuracy ~0.975 on LFW? ~Thank you very much!
All the code for training is already in the repo. I ran the command
python --logs_base_dir /media/david/BigDrive/DeepLearning/logs/facenet/ --models_base_dir /media/david/BigDrive/DeepLearning/models/facenet/ --data_dir ~/datasets/facescrub/facescrub_mtcnnalign_182_160:~/datasets/casia/casia_maxpy_mtcnnalign_182_160 --image_size 160 --model_def models.inception_resnet_v1 --lfw_dir ~/datasets/lfw/lfw_mtcnnalign_160 --weight_decay 2e-4 --optimizer RMSPROP --learning_rate -1 --max_nrof_epochs 80 --keep_probability 0.8 --random_crop --random_flip --learning_rate_schedule_file ../data/learning_rate_schedule_classifier_long.txt
With the learning rate schedule (../data/learning_rate_schedule_classifier_long.txt)
# Learning rate schedule
# Maps an epoch number to a learning rate
0: 0.1
65: 0.01
77: 0.001
1000: 0.0001
The Inception-Resnet-v1 will improve the performance significantly compared to the nn4 model but to get to 0.975 a better alignment (MTCNN) is also needed. The code that I used to get the above result can be found here but it requires Caffe installed and to clone the MTCNN repo, which i don't plan to describe here. Instead I'm working on an implementation of this using python/tensorflow but this in not ready yet.
I was studying Dlib recently and found that Dlib already provides the ability to detect faces, extract landmarks, and with one additional step, save the "face_chips" (aligned using the landmark) as image files.
I tried this approach to process the LFW dataset and it seems to be working pretty well. The only caveat is that, the Dlib face detector is not able to detect all the faces in the LFW dataset. For these images, images was cropped directly without alignment using landmark features.
Since "" is already using Dlib and it seems that the easiest way for this task is to use native Dlib all the way.
There is an example in the Dlib source tree:
The following is an example on how to save the aligned face_chips to files.
for (unsigned long j = 0; j < face_chips.size(); ++j) {
std::ostringstream stringStream;
stringStream << "build/tmp/fl_chip_" << j << ".jpg";
std::string filename = stringStream.str();
save_jpeg(face_chips[j], filename, 100);
@davidsandberg I see that you upload the code using MTCNN, great! I have some question about it:
Hint: I have replace your "imResample" by "scipy.misc.imresize" and get >50% faster evaluation.
@melgor Happy to see that you are looking at the MTCNN implementation. The implementation still contains a couple of bugs which I hope to have solved after the coming weekend, but until then you should use it with care.
For the resize thing I guess it looks quite crazy :-), but the reason for using the home-brewed implementation was that while comparing the tensorflow implementation to the matlab one I needed a resample that worked identically in the two implementations. So I ended up having that same code in matlab as well, which should be exchanged for a scipy or opencv implementation when the two implementations match.
I tried with the following command:
python --logs_base_dir logs/facenet/ --models_base_dir models/facenet/ --data_dir ./align/casia --image_size 182 --model_def models.inception_resnet_v1 --lfw_dir ./align/datasets/lfw_160 --weight_decay 2e-4 --optimizer RMSPROP --learning_rate -1 --max_nrof_epochs 80 --keep_probability 0.8 --random_crop --random_flip --learning_rate_schedule_file ../data/learning_rate_schedule_classifier_long.txt
It has the following error:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 309, in
Do you know what went wrong with my command? My tensorflow version is 10.0.
I'm pretty sure I ran into the same problem but now I'm not sure how it was solved. Could have been that it was fixed when upgrading to a newer version of slim, but I'm not sure. One option would be to upgrade to TF 0.11 and see if that fixes the problem. I will do that as well as soon as I'm done with some training. If the problem persists, please file a new issue specifically for this.
I got the following result:
Why not use least square? Y = MX M = (YXt)(XXt)-1