davidsandberg / facenet

Face recognition using Tensorflow
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NVIDIA TensorRT engine conversion #714

Open achbogga opened 6 years ago

achbogga commented 6 years ago

Hello @davidsandberg ,

I have successfully converted the entire facenet graph into tensorRT engine after removing just the batch normalization. However, I don't have access to the data to retrain the network. I would highly appreciate (I can buy you a cool gift) if you can just retrain without batch normalization and provide us the trained model file.

Thanks a million in advance. Hoping to get a response, Achyut Boggaram

jerryhouuu commented 6 years ago

@achbogga what's your mean about remove the batch normalization? you used UFF parser or tensorflow 1.7' new API? I want to use tensorrt to speed up model too, please give me some advises.

achbogga commented 6 years ago

Hello @jerryhouuu , I have used tensorflow 1.4 and TensorRT Some tensorflow operations such as merge, switch, which are used in slim batch normalization module are not supported by the NVIDIA parsers yet. So, I was suggesting removing them from the graph and retraining a model. Hope it helps.


jerryhouuu commented 6 years ago

@achbogga I am not sure your mean is to set up the normailizer_fn=None in inception_resnet_v1.py? then retraining a new model. Thank for your help ` with slim.arg_scope([slim.conv2d, slim.fully_connected], weights_initializer=slim.initializers.xavier_initializer(), weights_regularizer=slim.l2_regularizer(weight_decay),


    return inception_resnet_v1(images, is_training=phase_train, dropout_keep_prob=keep_probability, bottleneck_layer_size=bottleneck_layer_size, reuse=reuse)


achbogga commented 6 years ago

Yep, Please let me know if you have some luck with it. Thanks, Achyut.

jerryhouuu commented 6 years ago

@achbogga hello, could you give me some advises about how you modified the batch normalization to re-trained model normally. Thanks for your help.

JerryJiaGit commented 5 years ago

If you still need TensorRT to speedup for inference, try the modification from https://github.com/JerryJiaGit/facenet_trt It works on my GV100, TneorFlow 1.12 and TensorRT4 with SavedModel load and 30% speed up with FP16, with a few lines added into facenet.py FYI.