davidsandberg / facenet

Face recognition using Tensorflow
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Use trained model for testing #967

Open SarveshTS opened 5 years ago

SarveshTS commented 5 years ago

I have created new model by training from train_softmax.py . How can I use this model for testing ?

fybaft2012 commented 5 years ago

Hey SarveshTS, Have you found the solution about using pre-trained face embedding in real face recognition task? Actually, I tried use the same way posted at https://www.pyimagesearch.com/2018/06/18/face-recognition-with-opencv-python-and-deep-learning/ (k-nearest neighbor) and https://www.pyimagesearch.com/2018/09/24/opencv-face-recognition/ (linear SVM classifier)

First of which used KNN clustering method, and second used the linear SVM classifier. However both of them gave the poor performance with my own pre-trained face embedding model instead of dilb face embedding model.