davidsansome / tsurukame

Tsurukame is an unofficial WaniKani app for iOS. It helps you learn Japanese Kanji.
Apache License 2.0
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App freezes when doing lesson for する, a new kana-only #636

Closed milowyner closed 1 year ago

milowyner commented 1 year ago

The app seems to be handling the new kana-only vocabulary fine except for する. When I tap it or swipe in its direction in the lessons the app freezes and no touch inputs do anything until I force close and relaunch. I’m on iOS 16.5 using an iPhone 12 Mini in case that helps.

matthewgrimes commented 1 year ago

Same for me. Also on an iPhone, a 12 pro running 16.4.1.

I can also add that the other lessons went through but now する is the first lesson and clicking on the lesson tab from the home screen freezes the app.

jacobelbaek commented 1 year ago

Happens to me on iPhone 11 Pro iOS 16.5 as well.

Twiglet1022 commented 1 year ago

Same here but with これ. As a temporary workaround I was able to get past it by installing the TestFlight beta (which also freezes for that word) and disabling kana-only vocab lessons.

iPhone 14 Pro iOS 16.4.1 (a)

MattMisrak commented 1 year ago

Same here first with これ and then with する after closing the app a few times and a few full refresh.

iPhone 12 iOS 16.4.1(a)

marciska commented 1 year ago

Might be because する verbs are specially handled when highlighting example sentences. I suppose (!) that there might be something wrong with these checks now. Searching for "suruverb" shows up quite a few locations.

Klhhff commented 1 year ago

Same problem here. これ and する

marciska commented 1 year ago

I pushed a hotfix that solves the issue. Let's hope it gets quickly integrated into the base branch!

It is not a temporary fix anymore like in my first commit, but completely resolves the problem!

davidsansome commented 1 year ago

I've updated the TestFlight build with a fix for する. I wasn't able to reproduce the problem with これ though.

Would somebody be able to install 1.28 (972) from TestFlight and verify it works for both now?

marciska commented 1 year ago

I can confirm it works with both する and これ. (But even before これ wasn't a problem)

milowyner commented 1 year ago

Yep, する is now working on the latest TestFlight, and これ was previously working for me as well. Thanks for the quick fix!

davidsansome commented 1 year ago

Thanks for confirming! I'll push an update to the App Store now.

davidsansome commented 1 year ago

I'll leave this bug open until the fix rolls out so people can find it.

The new release is waiting for App Store review now.

davidsansome commented 1 year ago

The release was rejected by Apple with an absurd question about the API token login option, despite that feature being present for several releases now 🙄. I've responded to the Apple reviewer and hopefully they'll re-review it soon.

Motifier commented 1 year ago

Thought I'd ask in case it hadn't been addressed, but I've noticed that the app also freezes when trying to view the word する from the level select page. I'm guessing the fix will likely also fix the app hanging there as well, but as I don't have the beta version installed currently, need someone else to confirm. It hasn't been mentioned above though.

Sorry, did not realise how easy it is to install betaflight - this is fixed.

davidsansome commented 1 year ago

The release was finally approved! 1.28 is now on the App Store and I expect most devices should update automatically over the next few days.