The current order of review page vocabulary items is "MEANING", "READING", "KANJI", etc. I would like the option of placing "READING" first, especially when faced with excessive verbiage in the "meaning" block, as in the attached example of お構いなく.
Alternatively, a reduction in the number of meanings displayed in the "MEANING" section. In the example above, there are only two meanings displayed on the WaniKani web app. See お構いなく.
The current order of review page vocabulary items is "MEANING", "READING", "KANJI", etc. I would like the option of placing "READING" first, especially when faced with excessive verbiage in the "meaning" block, as in the attached example of お構いなく.
Alternatively, a reduction in the number of meanings displayed in the "MEANING" section. In the example above, there are only two meanings displayed on the WaniKani web app. See お構いなく.