We have our police protests paper chugging along and it is such a rich data source that we have too much material for one paper. But I also can’t help but wonder how these same events are described in the Black newspapers. Would it be possible to create an instance of pass 1 coding, perhaps a special queue, that is loaded with stories specially collected with episode-relevant search terms so we can fast-track their coding, perhaps being done by us rather than the undergrads? But then channeling it back into the regular data. (Cases where students have already coded the relevant articles would be looked for, of course, to avoid duplication.)
The current instance of the search engine returns hits on a search but only downloads the first 10 hits, although you can view the other hits on line.
I sez:
Yeah, I think that'd be doable without too much trouble. There are probably multiple ways to do a full-text search with the articles, the current SOLR interface probably being the easiest at the moment; and then as you say we'd have to retrieve all the articles (rather than just the first x), but again I think there are multiple ways to do that; and then we just need the IDs of those articles in order to get the MAI ID, which I can use to sort the assignment sheet how we want.
I'd say this would take between a few hours and a day to figure out unless I hit some major roadblock along the way (and hopefully even then it'd only add another few hours in order to figure out another way to do whatever went wrong).
@olderwoman sez:
I sez: