davidteather / BackpackTf-API

Unoffical Backpack.tf wrapper in python
MIT License
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itemPrice library error when API key is not valid #9

Closed nbordin closed 4 years ago

nbordin commented 4 years ago

The result should be verified when calling item_price: the variable success is not defined in the case when jsondata['response']['success'] != 1.


price = api.itemPrice(name="Digit Divulger", quality="Unique", craftable=1, tradable=1)
  File "/home/a/.local/share/virtualenvs/steam-49pLg0Sz/lib/python3.7/site-packages/BackpackTF/currency.py", line 118, in item_price
    if success:
UnboundLocalError: local variable 'success' referenced before assignment


See: https://github.com/nbordin/BackpackTf-API/blob/master/BackpackTF/currency.py

davidteather commented 4 years ago
