davidteather / TikTok-Api

The Unofficial TikTok API Wrapper In Python
MIT License
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add get insights method #217

Closed Xodarap closed 4 years ago

Xodarap commented 4 years ago

Adds the ability to get insights/analytics for a video.

Note that you need to be logged in to do this, and TikTok has a captcha when you login. I'm getting around this by assuming the user manually logs in in a real browser, and then just plugs their cookies into this API. Possibly people who know more about scraping would have cleverer ideas.

Xodarap commented 4 years ago

Do you need to support Python 3.5? I can remove the F strings if so, but I just find them much easier to read.

elblogbruno commented 4 years ago

If I get the cookie from a logged in session I am able to do things like giving likes or follow users?