This project is an effort to try to adapt the Anet ET4 motherboard and display for use with Marlin.
Anyone can contribute to completing this project. Feedback is also welcome.
Current status
XYZ Steppers
SD Card
USB comunication / pronterface
Filament runout detector.
Powerloss. See issues tab.
On progress:
PC/SD firmware load/update: There is no bootloader currently. Best option would be use stock ET4 bootloader.
To take a look:
All files on path "Marlin\buildroot\share\PlatformIO\variants\ET4\" should be adapted to ET4 Board. Specially peripheralPins.c, variant.cpp, variant.h etc..
Known bugs:
I have enabled issues tab. Please, try to be detailed regarding use cases and other useful information like hardware and software context.
To get help on creating an issue see this.
DISCLAIMER: Not for production use. This is an unfinished project and under development. I am not responsible for what may happen to the motherboard or printer. Use only at your own risk.
Currently you can only flash this firmware using a flasher (stlink, jlink, bmp etc).
Before flashing this firmware (optional, but recommended):
I recommend making a backup of your firmware. At least your bootlaoder (addresses from 0x08000000 to 0x08010000). This way, you can always recover/return to stock firmware by:
flashing the bootloader backup on the same addresses (0x08000000 - 0x8010000)
flashing any of the available Anet firmwares from address 0x08010000.
If you don't perform this step, and, just in case of brick, there are copies of stock firmware ET4 releases and bootloader below on resources section.
Flashing this firmware:
There are several tutorials available for stlink/j-link flashers.
This firmware lacks of bootloader, so you have to flash it from address 0x8000000.
Download or clone this repo.
Make sure to modify your config.h and config_adv.h according to your ET4 model (ET4, ET4 PRO, ET4+, ...)
Settings as driver model (A4988/TMC2208), Z endstop position (UP/DOWN), bed size, auto bed levelling sensor, etc, need to be defined.
Provided config is for ET4/TM2208 model with attachable bed levelling sensor.
Build project with platform io on VS code is recommended.
Burn firmware with your flasher (.elf or .bin starting from 0x08000000 address).
You can connect with pronterface to corresponding com port @115200bps.
To the mates of the Telegram Anet ET4 spanish group, specially to @Solidnon, who lent his board for testing when the project was not even started.
To @uwe and @mubes from Black Magic Probe team, and to Ebiroll (BMP/ESP32).
To all contributors and testers of this branch and, specially, of Marlin master branch.
Marlin 3D Printer Firmware
Additional documentation can be found at the Marlin Home Page.
Please test this firmware and let us know if it misbehaves in any way. Volunteers are standing by!
Marlin 2.0 Bugfix Branch
Not for production use. Use with caution!
Marlin 2.0 takes this popular RepRap firmware to the next level by adding support for much faster 32-bit and ARM-based boards while improving support for 8-bit AVR boards. Read about Marlin's decision to use a "Hardware Abstraction Layer" below.
This branch is for patches to the latest 2.0.x release version. Periodically this branch will form the basis for the next minor 2.0.x release.
Download earlier versions of Marlin on the Releases page.
Marlin 2.0 introduces a layer of abstraction so that all the existing high-level code can be built for 32-bit platforms while still retaining full 8-bit AVR compatibility. Retaining AVR compatibility and a single code-base is important to us, because we want to make sure that features and patches get as much testing and attention as possible, and that all platforms always benefit from the latest improvements.
Marlin is published under the GPL license because we believe in open development. The GPL comes with both rights and obligations. Whether you use Marlin firmware as the driver for your open or closed-source product, you must keep Marlin open, and you must provide your compatible Marlin source code to end users upon request. The most straightforward way to comply with the Marlin license is to make a fork of Marlin on Github, perform your modifications, and direct users to your modified fork.
While we can't prevent the use of this code in products (3D printers, CNC, etc.) that are closed source or crippled by a patent, we would prefer that you choose another firmware or, better yet, make your own.
Marlin for ET4
This project is an effort to try to adapt the Anet ET4 motherboard and display for use with Marlin. Anyone can contribute to completing this project. Feedback is also welcome.
Current status
On progress:
To take a look:
Known bugs:
I have enabled issues tab. Please, try to be detailed regarding use cases and other useful information like hardware and software context. To get help on creating an issue see this.
DISCLAIMER: Not for production use. This is an unfinished project and under development. I am not responsible for what may happen to the motherboard or printer. Use only at your own risk.
Currently you can only flash this firmware using a flasher (stlink, jlink, bmp etc).
Before flashing this firmware (optional, but recommended):
I recommend making a backup of your firmware. At least your bootlaoder (addresses from 0x08000000 to 0x08010000). This way, you can always recover/return to stock firmware by:
If you don't perform this step, and, just in case of brick, there are copies of stock firmware ET4 releases and bootloader below on resources section.
Flashing this firmware:
There are several tutorials available for stlink/j-link flashers.
This firmware lacks of bootloader, so you have to flash it from address 0x8000000.
You can connect with pronterface to corresponding com port @115200bps.
MCU: STM32F407VGT6 ARM CORTEX M4 => DRIVERS: TMC2208 (silent) / A4988 (noisy) USB TO SERIAL CONVERTER: CH340G => FLASH: WINBOND W25Q128JVSQ (128M-bit) Serial Flash memory => EEPROM: AT24C04C (ATMLH744 04CM) 4 Kb => LCD: ST7789V | STP320240_0280E2T (40P/1,5): ST7789 (YT280S008) => | TOUCH: XPT2046 =>,8/XPT2046.pdf MOSFETS (BED/HOTEND): G90N04 CLK: JF8.000 (8MHZ MCU EXT CLK) CLK: JF12.000 (12 MHZ USB-UART CLK) SS56: SCHOTTKY DIODE AMS1117 3.3 DN811: REGULATOR 030N06: MOSFETs A19T: TRANSISTOR XL2596S -5.0E1 83296: STEP DOWN DC CONVERTER 3A/150KHZ 293 STG9834 / LM293DT: 2x Voltage comparators =>
E-STEP => PB9 E-DIR => PB8 E-ENABLE => PE0 X-STEP => PB6 X-DIR => PB5 X-ENABLE => PB7 Y-STEP => PB3 Y-DIR => PD6 Y-ENABLE => PB4 Z-STEP => PA12 Z-DIR => PA11 Z-ENABLE => PA15 Y-LIMIT => PE12 X-LIMIT => PC13 Z-LIMIT => PE11 TEMP_BED => PA4 TEMP_EXB1 => PA1 END_FAN => PE1 LAY_FAN => PE3 END_CONTROL => PA0 BED_CONTROL => PE2 LV_DET => PC3 MAT_DET1 => PA2 POWER_LOSS_DET => PA8 (provided by ANET) SDIO_D2 => PC10 SDIO_D3 => PC11 SDIO_CMD => PD2 SDIO_CLK => PC12 SDIO_D0 => PC8 SDIO_D1 => PC9 TF_DET => PD3 USB_USART1_TX => PA9 USB_USART1_RX => PA10 RESET_BTN => NRST (14) LED_D2 => PD12 WINBOND_CS => PB12 WINBOND_DO => PB14 WINBOND_DI => PB15 WINBOND_CLK => PB13 EEPROM_A1 => GND EEPROM_A2 => GND EEPROM_SDA => PB11 EEPROM_SCL => PB10 P1_1_LCD_9_CSX => PD7 P1_2_LCD_11_WRX => PD5 P1_3_TOUCH15/CS => PB2 P1_4_TOUCH_14_DIN => PE5 P1_5_TOUCH_12_DOUT => PE4 P1_6_TOUCH_16_DCLK => PB0 P1_7_TOUCH11/PENIRQ => PB1 P1_8_LCD_12_RDX => PD4 P1_9 => GND P1_10 => 3.3V P2_1_LCD_15_RESX => PE6 P2_2_LCD_10_DCX => PD13 P2_3_LCD_26_DB9 => PD15 P2_4_LCD_25_DB8 => PD14 P2_5_LCD_28_DB11 => PD1 P2_6_LCD_27_DB10 => PD0 P2_7_LCD_30_DB13 => PE8 P2_8_LCD_29_DB12 => PE7 P2_9_LCD_32_DB15 => PE10 P2_10_LCD_31_DB14 => PE9
ET4 Telegram Spanish Group Resources ET4 Board and specs
Marlin 3D Printer Firmware
Additional documentation can be found at the Marlin Home Page. Please test this firmware and let us know if it misbehaves in any way. Volunteers are standing by!
Marlin 2.0 Bugfix Branch
Not for production use. Use with caution!
Marlin 2.0 takes this popular RepRap firmware to the next level by adding support for much faster 32-bit and ARM-based boards while improving support for 8-bit AVR boards. Read about Marlin's decision to use a "Hardware Abstraction Layer" below.
This branch is for patches to the latest 2.0.x release version. Periodically this branch will form the basis for the next minor 2.0.x release.
Download earlier versions of Marlin on the Releases page.
Building Marlin 2.0
To build Marlin 2.0 you'll need Arduino IDE 1.8.8 or newer or PlatformIO. We've posted detailed instructions on Building Marlin with Arduino and Building Marlin with PlatformIO for ReArm (which applies well to other 32-bit boards).
Hardware Abstraction Layer (HAL)
Marlin 2.0 introduces a layer of abstraction so that all the existing high-level code can be built for 32-bit platforms while still retaining full 8-bit AVR compatibility. Retaining AVR compatibility and a single code-base is important to us, because we want to make sure that features and patches get as much testing and attention as possible, and that all platforms always benefit from the latest improvements.
Current HALs
AVR (8-bit)
LPC1768 / LPC1769
Teensy++ 2.0
Teensy 3.1 / 3.2
Teensy 3.5 / 3.6
Submitting Patches
Proposed patches should be submitted as a Pull Request against the (bugfix-2.0.x) branch. Wiki Page
The current Marlin dev team consists of:
Marlin is published under the GPL license because we believe in open development. The GPL comes with both rights and obligations. Whether you use Marlin firmware as the driver for your open or closed-source product, you must keep Marlin open, and you must provide your compatible Marlin source code to end users upon request. The most straightforward way to comply with the Marlin license is to make a fork of Marlin on Github, perform your modifications, and direct users to your modified fork.
While we can't prevent the use of this code in products (3D printers, CNC, etc.) that are closed source or crippled by a patent, we would prefer that you choose another firmware or, better yet, make your own.