davidtorosyan / command.games

a TamperMonkey extension to add a randomizer to dominion.games
MIT License
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Add a way to open selected card list in dominionrandomizer, and then reimport #5

Open davidtorosyan opened 4 years ago

davidtorosyan commented 4 years ago

Would be great since the site has interested ways to replace cards.

davidtorosyan commented 4 years ago

From reddit, also consider imports from:

Dominiondeck.com maybe? Or some tournament sites? Or maybe the kingdom of the weeks from this sub?

davidtorosyan commented 3 years ago

Turns out there's already a way to reimport. All you need to do is clear the existing card choices and then paste a card list into the search box. This is not intuitive however.

nikmd23 commented 3 years ago

Turns out there's already a way to reimport.

Neat! I didn't realize this. 😁 I'm going to start doing this as a workaround for #12.

nikmd23 commented 3 years ago

This is not intuitive however.

Suggestion: Since dominion.games already handles a comma delimited list of cards, perhaps as a simple step to make this more intuitive you could change the place holder text (currently Enter cards to include in your kingdom), or add a tool tip when the field is focused telling users that a comma delimited list is acceptable input?

davidtorosyan commented 3 years ago

Heads up, I just took advantage of the CSV input mechanism to speed up card import in 653e0edb551583f49778fb7e9fc043b8df240400:

Before: before

After: after

davidtorosyan commented 3 years ago


Suggestion: ...

I like that idea, and is sort of what I had in mind. I'm still debating over the best way to do it however.

Keeping in mind that I want to add an "export" button as well that'll open the card list in dominionrandomizer, maybe I should add two buttons: import & export. If you click the import, it'll just show a tooltip telling you to copy/paste a CSV.

I'm a little wary of changing the text of existing elements (especially as I don't have localization done yet, see #6, but I'm working on it). But adding a tooltip to it could work if we can't fit the new buttons anywhere.

davidtorosyan commented 3 years ago

Another idea: can add an import button to dominion randomizer itself.