Hello @davidtvs I follow the way how to train the cityscapes. The validation's Mean IoU is 0.5426, Then I try to do testing however I got nan result, it said because of Mean of empty slice. Here is the full problem.
>>>> Running test dataset
/home/my_home/PyTorch-ENet/metric/iou.py:93: RuntimeWarning: Mean of empty slice
return iou, np.nanmean(iou)
>>>> Avg. loss: 0.0000 | Mean IoU: nan
unlabeled: nan
road: nan
sidewalk: nan
building: nan
wall: nan
fence: nan
pole: nan
traffic_light: nan
traffic_sign: nan
vegetation: nan
terrain: nan
sky: nan
person: nan
rider: nan
car: nan
truck: nan
bus: nan
train: nan
motorcycle: nan
bicycle: nan
Hello @davidtvs I follow the way how to train the cityscapes. The validation's Mean IoU is 0.5426, Then I try to do testing however I got nan result, it said because of
Mean of empty slice
. Here is the full problem.