davidusb-geek / emhass-add-on

The Home Assistant Add-on for EMHASS: Energy Management Optimization for Home Assistant
MIT License
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Time out when running naive-mpc-optim #46

Closed vdiogo closed 11 months ago

vdiogo commented 11 months ago

I've setup the solcast integration, with which I have the following for sensor.solcast_24hrs_forecast:

[3367, 3430, 3443, 3428, 3342, 3206, 3022, 2782, 2486, 2151, 1776, 1372, 959, 523, 214, 80, 31, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2, 50, 167, 348, 606, 903, 1206, 1501, 1790, 2060, 2333, 2601, 2775]

I've setup the following shell_command: mpc_optim: "curl -i -H \"Content-Type: application/json\" -X POST -d '{\"pv_power_forecast\":{{states('sensor.solcast_24hrs_forecast')}}}' http://localhost:5000/action/naive-mpc-optim"

Which returned the following error when it ran:

Logger: homeassistant.components.shell_command
Source: components/shell_command/__init__.py:86
Integration: Shell Command (documentation, issues)
First occurred: 12:53:05 (1 occurrences)
Last logged: 12:53:05

Timed out running command: `curl -i -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d '{"pv_power_forecast":{{states('sensor.solcast_24hrs_forecast')}}}' http://localhost:5000/action/naive-mpc-optim`, after: 60s
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/components/shell_command/__init__.py", line 87, in async_service_handler
    stdout_data, stderr_data = await process.communicate()
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/asyncio/subprocess.py", line 198, in communicate
    stdin, stdout, stderr = await tasks.gather(stdin, stdout, stderr)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/asyncio/subprocess.py", line 178, in _read_stream
    output = await stream.read()
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/asyncio/streams.py", line 683, in read
    block = await self.read(self._limit)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/asyncio/streams.py", line 690, in read
    await self._wait_for_data('read')
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/asyncio/streams.py", line 522, in _wait_for_data
    await self._waiter

During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/components/shell_command/__init__.py", line 86, in async_service_handler
    async with async_timeout.timeout(COMMAND_TIMEOUT):
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/async_timeout/__init__.py", line 129, in __aexit__
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/async_timeout/__init__.py", line 212, in _do_exit
    raise asyncio.TimeoutError
davidusb-geek commented 11 months ago

This seems like some kind of connection problem. The shell command is not able to connect with the add-on server at port 5000. Try just to ping it, are you able to do that? What's your configuration? Are you using HA OS?

vdiogo commented 11 months ago

This seems like some kind of connection problem. The shell command is not able to connect with the add-on server at port 5000. Try just to ping it, are you able to do that?

Not really, sorry. Can you guide me here please?

What's your configuration? Are you using HA OS?

Home Assistant 2023.7.2 Supervisor 2023.07.1 Operating System 10.3 Interface: 20230705.1 - latest

davidusb-geek commented 11 months ago

From Home Assistant use the "Advanced SSH & Web Terminal" to open a terminal to your HA instance. Then when inside your terminal just type ping your.ip.add.here:5000 (put your server IP address here, for example If the connection is fine then you will have a 0% packet loss message. If you have packet losses then you have connection problems

vdiogo commented 11 months ago

No packages loss. Interestingly, I don't get this time out everyday (I got it today 5:30am - when I run the service - but didn't got it yesterday):

davidusb-geek commented 11 months ago

So if you try right now EMHASS is working fine?

vdiogo commented 11 months ago

So if you try right now EMHASS is working fine?

Yes: all automations are triggering as expected and I can see the forecasts on the UI

davidusb-geek commented 11 months ago

Ok this means that from time to time you may have some connection issues but they have nothing to do with EMHASS

vdiogo commented 11 months ago

Ok this means that from time to time you may have some connection issues but they have nothing to do with EMHASS

probably yes. Will close this ticket