davidvarga / MBeautifier

MBeautifier is a MATLAB source code formatter, beautifier. It can be used directly in the MATLAB Editor and it is configurable.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Operator Padding Rules Not Followed in String #94

Open traptw1thin opened 4 years ago

traptw1thin commented 4 years ago

Even with the MatrixIndexing_ArithmeticOperatorPadding and CellArrayIndexing_ArithmeticOperatorPadding set to 1, space is still deleted in the following code:

plotAndLabel(t, x29, "A " + f29 + " Hz Sine Wave", false);

The space I am referring to is the space after the first plus sign, so after running MBeautifier it looks like this:

plotAndLabel(t, x29, "A " +f29 + " Hz Sine Wave", false);

and I have to manually go through and readd the space after the plus sign.

this is what plotAndLabel() is:

function plotAndLabel(t, x, myTitle, isStem) figure; if isStem stem(t, x); ylabel('x(n)'); else plot(t, x); ylabel('x(t)'); end xlabel('t (seconds)'); title(myTitle); % hold on; end