davidwallacejackson / vue-cli-plugin-unit-karma

Run unit tests in a @vue/cli project with Karma
10 stars 8 forks source link

HTML coverage report can not be generated #10

Closed smoothdvd closed 5 years ago

smoothdvd commented 5 years ago

my vue.config.js:

  pluginOptions: {
    karma: {
      files: [
      karmaConfig: {
        browsers: ['ChromeCanaryHeadless'],
        frameworks: ['mocha', 'sinon-chai'],
        reporters: ['mocha', 'coverage'],
        coverageReporter: {
          dir: './tests/unit/coverage',
          reporters: [
            { type: 'lcov', subdir: '.' },
            { type: 'text-summary' },


✔ 26 tests completed

=============================== Coverage summary ===============================
Statements   : 74.29% ( 52/70 )
Branches     : 92.68% ( 38/41 )
Functions    : 73.17% ( 30/41 )
Lines        : 76.47% ( 52/68 )
14 02 2019 11:32:09.912:ERROR [coverage]: { inspect: [Function: inspect] }
Karma has exited with 0
✨  Done in 9.96s.

I added karma-coverage to devDependencies. Anything wrong in this configure? How to fix it?

smoothdvd commented 5 years ago

Need add some babel-plugin-istanbul's assets path to .yarnclean file and reinstall all node_modules.