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Being your own product owner #7

Open davidwesst opened 3 years ago

davidwesst commented 3 years ago

The weirdest part about making a game or side project is being your own client and all the hats you wear.

Example: The Video Game Collection

The way I do this, I tend to prioritize development tasks based on what I feel like doing. For example, I'm blogging right now. How does that help my game? It doesn't, but it does help improve my storytelling skills, but thata just a side effect.

This might be a bad thing for the project schedule, but the schedule is mine as well (at least while I'm the only player). Sure if I keep it up, I'll continue dreaming rather than getting something done, but there is a balance that I need maintain with my day job, family life, and commitment to these projects. If I burnout, everything suffers and then I'll be taking even more time away from all the projects.