davidyaha / graphql-redis-subscriptions

A graphql subscriptions implementation using redis and apollo's graphql-subscriptions
MIT License
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Getting Type 'Redis' is not assignable to type 'RedisClient' on v2.5.0 #536

Closed berkaytheunicorn closed 2 years ago

berkaytheunicorn commented 2 years ago

I was using it like below, this was working with v2.4.2 but now I'm getting this error. Type 'Redis' is not assignable to type 'RedisClient'

import { RedisPubSub } from "graphql-redis-subscriptions";
import Redis, { RedisOptions } from "ioredis";

const publisher = new Redis(options);
const subscriber = new Redis(options);

   this.connection = new RedisPubSub({
berkaytheunicorn commented 2 years ago

btw I was using ioredis 4.x, I upgraded to 5.x and it seems all good now.

intellizetm commented 1 year ago

I'm having a similar problem and haven't found a solution yet.

my redis-pub-sub.provider.ts

import { pubSubToken } from '@nestjs-query/query-graphql';
import { RedisPubSub } from 'graphql-redis-subscriptions';
import Redis from 'ioredis';
import { Provider } from '@nestjs/common';

export class RedisPubSubProvider {
  static provider(): Provider {
    return {
      provide: pubSubToken(),
      useFactory: () => {
        const options = {
          host: process.env.REDIS_HOST || 'localhost',
          port: 6379
        return new RedisPubSub({
          publisher: new Redis(options),
          subscriber: new Redis(options),
      } ,

error like ;

=> ERROR [build 7/7] RUN npx nx build driver-api --prod 53.9s

[build 7/7] RUN npx nx build driver-api --prod:

nx run driver-api:build:production

chunk (runtime: main) main.js (main) 348 KiB [entry] [rendered]

ERROR in /app/libs/database/src/lib/redis-pub-sub.provider.ts ./libs/database/src/lib/redis-pub-sub.provider.ts 16:10-19 [tsl] ERROR in /app/libs/database/src/lib/redis-pub-sub.provider.ts(16,11) TS2322: Type 'Redis' is not assignable to type 'RedisClient'. Type 'Redis' is missing the following properties from type 'Redis': stream, isCluster, connector, reconnectTimeout, and 140 more.

ERROR in /app/libs/database/src/lib/redis-pub-sub.provider.ts ./libs/database/src/lib/redis-pub-sub.provider.ts 17:10-20 [tsl] ERROR in /app/libs/database/src/lib/redis-pub-sub.provider.ts(17,11) TS2322: Type 'Redis' is not assignable to type 'RedisClient'.

ERROR in libs/database/src/lib/redis-pub-sub.provider.ts:16:11 TS2322: Type 'Redis' is not assignable to type 'RedisClient'. Type 'Redis' is missing the following properties from type 'Redis': stream, isCluster, connector, reconnectTimeout, and 140 more.

12 53.66 14 | };

12 53.66 15 | return new RedisPubSub({

12 53.66 > 16 | publisher: new Redis(options),

12 53.66 | ^^^^^^^^^

12 53.66 17 | subscriber: new Redis(options),

12 53.66 18 | })

12 53.66 19 | } ,

12 53.66

12 53.66 ERROR in libs/database/src/lib/redis-pub-sub.provider.ts:17:11

12 53.66 TS2322: Type 'Redis' is not assignable to type 'RedisClient'.

12 53.66 15 | return new RedisPubSub({

12 53.66 16 | publisher: new Redis(options),

12 53.66 > 17 | subscriber: new Redis(options),

12 53.66 | ^^^^^^^^^^

12 53.66 18 | })

12 53.66 19 | } ,

12 53.66 20 | };

12 53.66

12 53.66 webpack compiled with 4 errors (b984ccb820b8363c)

my depencies ;

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