Specify the scientific questions behind my choices
Why did I choose aevol vs. some other platform?
Which approach do I intend to use? What methods?
What do I expect our results to be?
What kinds of analysis will I perform?
Do our artificial experiments relate to any real-world biological things (e.g. prochlorococcus)?
Brian's To Do
[ ] Begin the presentation (as above)
[ ] Begin graphing results of experiments
[ ] Figure out which post-treatments to use (e.g. robustness, evolvability, coalescing times)
[ ] Understand the mathematical methods behind all post-treatments (i.e. what does this mean for an individual, for a population, and for the evolution of a population?)
[x] Send Berenice the report (as a PDF)
[x] E-mail Helena about getting more resources for the experiments
General Notes
Brian's To Do