Brief summary:
Players can join channels and leave them, as they wish. When in a channel, players can see what is said by players who are not in a channel, but players not in a channel cannot see what players who are in channels say.
I added a command that allows mods to move players into a channel, for use when players are "dating" and such on the server... They can still leave the channel, if they wish, but it could act as a first step before shout is revoked.
Code from
Brief summary: Players can join channels and leave them, as they wish. When in a channel, players can see what is said by players who are not in a channel, but players not in a channel cannot see what players who are in channels say.
I added a command that allows mods to move players into a channel, for use when players are "dating" and such on the server... They can still leave the channel, if they wish, but it could act as a first step before shout is revoked.