davoodinator / XADAIL

DAIL (Davoodinator Affixes Items Levels) or (Divine Ascension Infinite Levels) you decide ;o
The Unlicense
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Perma Knockdown #87

Open ArcticHowler opened 7 years ago

ArcticHowler commented 7 years ago

Didn't see anyone post about this... version 55 I built a Frost Knight/Voidcaller(both frost auras, lifeleech aura, and mutilation) and discovered every now and again if something survives mutilation(usually one shot) they can be knocked down permanently, primarily noticed with rifthound azure matriarchs... Figured I'd mention it just in case. Running S.

ArcticHowler commented 7 years ago

Happened again while using voidcaller/cronus(I can't remember the name, it's the necromancer dude that summons a bunch of nicely designed undead minions) in the current version(56.2)