davqvist / Exoria

1.12 modpack
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Tombs not showing up in Exoria Underground #335

Open dingodoggo opened 6 years ago

dingodoggo commented 6 years ago

AFK'd in Exoria Underground for a few minutes and came back to find myself slain by a Vex. Upon respawn, I only spawned in with the Bane of Cobble (as expected) and not even one of the death inventory list. Going back to the other dimension, my tomb was nowhere to be found and therefore lost all my items.

Used all the appropriate /tmg commands, but to no avail. It revealed that it didn't log my death in that dimension and was not able to restore my inventory (the last death logged was a few days ago). Tested further with /kill command and the same thing occurs.

Tombs still work normally in the Exoria dimension (unable to test in any other dimensions since I haven't unlocked them).

davqvist commented 6 years ago

That is weird. Many people died in the Underground in testing and everything worked normal. Must be a different reasoning other than the dimension.